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Let the Radiation Begin!

Hello from beautiful San Diego! Here's a quick recap of this crazy week we've had!

Monday- We moved just up the hill to a great house with a gorgeous view! Thank you for everyone who helped us! I'm excited to live in it for the next year until I graduate and go wherever I'll be going! So insane! I feel like I was 7 like two seconds ago! :)

Tuesday- After we all spent our first night in the new house, me and my dad left early in the morning and drove all day to San Diego. We got to the Ronald McDonald House around 10 p.m. It was a great drive and we are so grateful for the nice people at the RMH!

Wednesday- At 8 a.m. we went to the Scripps Proton Therapy Center for a run through of what the 28 days of treatment will be like. It was great to see everyone again and they were all so nice to explain everything. We were done by around 10, went back to RMH, unpacked and just relaxed the rest of the day.

Today- FIRST DAY OF RADIATION!! 8 a.m. went to Scripps, the machine was having a few problems but they got it working really quickly. They first do x-rays to see the tumor and then the huge, weird machine comes down and somehow zaps the tumor without feeling or seeing it! I was a liitle nervous but I was fine and it went great!

So yeah that's basically what the next 6 weeks will be like. Radiation every morning Monday-Friday for about an hour and then the rest of the day and weekends to enjoy this awesome city! We definitely have a bucket-list of places we want go! My mom will be coming next Wednesday for a week, I already miss her like crazy so I can't wait to see her! Well that's all folks, sorry this wasn't as quick as I thought it would be! :) I'll try to update daily. Thank you all for your support!

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