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Wow it's already October!

I can't believe it has been close to 3 months since my last day of radiation! It went by so fast! I apologize that I haven't written. After we got back home on July 18th everything was kind of crazy! With trying to live up my last month of summer, my brother Brady getting engaged to his now awesome wife Courtney, preparing and starting my senior year, headaches from the radiation beginning, Brady & Courtney's wedding, school dances and games, and everything else it has certainly been busy!

I started school on August 19th. I was very happy that radiation hadn't affected me too much after I came home and I thought I wouldn't have any trouble. But about a week later on the 28th my energy dropped down to where it was during radiation plus very bad headaches started. I have never really had headaches before, only before getting my glasses and after my brain surgeries. After about a week of wondering if I was just sick with a virus or something or if it was because of the radiation we contacted Dr. Chang. He told us that the headaches were because of the radiation because it first makes the tumor swell before it does anything else. So he prescribed me a dosage of Aleeve for my headaches and I slept a lot. I take it day by day now, my energy came back after like 2 1/2 weeks so I went back to school, talked to my counselors and teachers and fixed my schedule to make it easier for me. My headaches were off and on for about a week but like I said some days I wake up and am fine and others I am not so fine. But anyways that is what's going on! Just taking Aleeve when my headaches come but having a good time with my senior year when my headaches aren't there! :) I want to thank you all who read this, have sent me kind notes, prayed for me, and for everything you have done! I will update a lot more and post pictures! Oh yeah my hair is growing back so that's good! :) Love you and thank you!

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